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MathKid is an open-source project that aims to help kids improve their math skills by recognizing their handwritten digits. This project uses deep learning techniques to build a web application that can identify and validate handwritten digits drawn by kids. The core functionality of MathKid is based on training a deep neural network on the Handwritten MNIST dataset, making it a fun and educational tool for children.


  1. Open the Web Application: click here to access the web app where MathKid is hosted.
  2. Draw a Digit: Use your mouse or touchpad to draw a digit (0-9) in the provided drawing area.
  3. Recognize the Digit: Click the "Check Answer" button, and MathKid will use its deep learning model to identify the handwritten digit.
  4. See the Result: Leaf Garden will be displayed on the screen for fun.
hassan Shoayb Mathkid project